Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Yes, There is More to Life Than the Weather...

But in the past couple of weeks, it has - by far - dominated our lives. Today started with snow, which turned to sleet and freezing rain. The sidewalks downtown were slushy and slippery. The roads were dangerous - icy. When I finally got home, my truck started sliding toward the tree next to the driveway and I ended up having to shovel around the tires so I could get some traction. But, the highlight of today's weather...

The Metro was empty on the ride home. Most companies had shut down early to get ahead of the ice storm that was on the way. The parking lot at the metro station was all but emptied out. Only a few cars. Mine was covered in ice - the door was even frozen shut until I could pull it open. I had no choice - I started the truck and let it run for about 20 minutes while the defroster melted away all of the ice.

Then I noticed that my truck was in an empty parking lot covered in snow and ice. Hmmmmm... What could me and my truck do in that slick, snow-covered parking lot? (Scccrrrreeeeeecccchhhhh sounds a lot different on snow - but it was fun sliding around like that. I felt like a kid again - if even for just a minute.)

1 comment:

liz said...

i LOVE your profile picture, it's so Indie Film!