Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's Not Just Tax Day!!!

Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday Dear Sammmmmmmyyyyyyyy
Happy Birthday to Me

Ya know... when a lot of people get to be this age (I'm 39 today, thank you very much) they tend to want to forget about birthdays. But not me. I love the phone calls and the emails and the presents and the birthday cake and blowing out the candles and all that jazz. Hey, if Zippo the clown wants to come and make balloon animals for me, I'd be up for it. At heart, I guess that means I'm still just a kid. In fact, I still sit by the phone and wait for my Mommy to call me at 12:01 p.m. - the time of my birth!

Silly, huh?


SCD said...

One of the many reasons why I LOVE YOU!!!

liz said...

sammy, i am so sorry i missed your birthday!
sending you many happy birthday hugs, little bro.